The COVID-19 pandemic has kept millions of Americans with mental health issues from accessing the resources that were once guaranteed. Also, many have developed mental health problems because of the stress and anxiety now becoming a part of life. For those who have been receiving treatment for their addictions before the pandemic began, things are getting critical. There is a fear that the suicide rates in the United States will skyrocket due to these factors. A new website has been launched to help with these issues. 

A Directory of Crisis Services

Many psychiatric hospitals and clinics have limited the number of patients seen at one time because of social distancing guidelines. Some people have been resorting to going to emergency rooms to get help for their panic attacks and extreme anxiety, but these emergency rooms are reserved primarily for COVID-19 patients. People need to know about the mental health services that are available to them, even if it’s not the type that they originally wanted. When it comes to mental health, something has become better than nothing at this time.

The Pandemic Crisis Services Response Coalition has created a new website to help people during this trying time. It’s a database of mental health services that can be searched for by categories, treatment types, and contact methods. Due to the social distancing regulations currently in effect, most of these treatments are available through texting, video counseling, and other web-based treatment options, although there are other options.

Other Available Services

Other available services include contact information for mental health treatment helpline and community organizations. The hotline themselves are staffed by volunteers who have been trained to connect those in need to the closest mental health resources to their specific locations. There are also articles posted on the website to help readers deal with the effects of COVID-19. There are articles written specifically for nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. For those taking care of a family member or loved one, there are tips available to support their care and mental stability. 

The Pandemic Crisis Services Response Coalition was established in March after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s staffed by various non-profit organizations, activist groups, and crisis management specialists.